The Guyana Manufacturing & Services Association (GMSA) held its Gala dinner and Awards Presentation on Thursday December 18, 2019 at the Pegasus Hotel.
At a well-attended ceremony, awards were presented to a number of companies. Following up on the four awards received at the GNBS National Quality awards presentation, Namilco and its Managing Director, Bert Sukhai, copped two awards.
Namilco received the President’s Award “In recognition of the Company’s 50 years of Sterling Service to the Guyanese public.” Managing Director Bert Sukhai was given the prestigious President’s Lifetime Award. Mr. Sukhai is a qualified professional accountant (FCCA). He attended Queen’s college. A few years working at Bookers and Wieting and Richter went on a Government of Guyana Scholarship to London where he completed his ACCA qualification.
The Guyanese scholar was appointed Finance Director of Namilco and in 2006 was promoted to the position of Managing Director. All the previous Managing Directors were expatriates so he was the first Guyanese to fill that position after some 37 years.
Namilco has made tremendous strides under his stewardship, moving from producing one basic bread and roti flour to multiple specialty flour and mixes. Namilco also produces customised flour requested by bakers. Mr. Sukhai this year celebrated his 25th anniversary at Namilco at a time when Namilco is still celebrating its 50th anniversary.
Source: K/News
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