
Management & Staff

Here are some of the people that are responsible for our quality products.


Our Management Team

We believe in conducting our work as a team. 

Scott Mitchell

Managing Director


Ralf Hemsing

Ralf Hemsing

Operations Manager

Mr. Hemsing joined NAMILCO in 2004 after working for Buhler Ltd. in southern Africa as Commissioning Engineer. He is a Milling Engineer who graduated from Deutsche Müllerschule Braunschweig (German Milling School).

Fitzroy McLeod

Fitzroy McLeod

Financial Controller

Mr. McLeod joined NAMILCO in July 2012 after assignments in the Caribbean and North America. He is a CPA & MBA who completed his undergraduate studies at the University of the West Indies (Mona).


Assistant to the Managing Director

Vishal Lalbachan, ACCA Affiliate

Mr. Lalbachan supports the Executive Management team with specific responsibilities for Marketing, Sales and Financial Reporting functions.

Human Resource/Admin. Manager

Michelle Major

Ms. Major coordinates and manages the HR and administrative functions, including the processing of foreign purchases and the monitoring of shipping schedules.

Accounting / Internal Audit

Internal Auditor / Deputy Port Facility Security Officer

Prahalad Dwarka

Internal auditor since 27th February 2012. Evaluate the company’s internal controls, ensure compliance with laws and regulations, and provide management with the tools necessary to attain operational efficiency.

Deputy Port Security Officer (DPFSO) since 2nd July 2019.  In this role he develops, implements, and maintains the Port Facility Security Plan to ensure optimum security measures are applied in all areas.


Quality Assurance Manager

Tajiwattie William, BSC

Ms. William manages the Namilco’s Baking and testing Laboratories, Quality and Food Safety Systems.  She plays a critical role in all of Namilco’ s Food Certification programs.

Quality Coordinator & Market Research Assistant

Waleema Kamaluddin

Ms. Kamaluddin oversees the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and the Internal Quality Auditing Program.


Assistant to the Operations Manager

Vidyawattie Heeralall

Ms. Heeralall is responsible for supervising the production and maintenance support teams.

Packaging Manager

Binsaud Baksh

Mr. Baksh is responsible for the production and packaging of all flour products.


Seetal Datt

Mr. Datt is a trained Miller who is responsible for the processing and blending of the different types of wheat to meet product specifications.


Orin Blair

Mr. Blair is a trained Miller who is responsible for the processing and blending of the different types of wheat to meet product specifications.

Senior Electrician

Allan Charles, AIT

Mr. Charles’s responsibilities include supervising support team members, inspecting, installing, repairing, and maintaining complex electrical systems and equipment.

Sales & Marketing

Marketing Supervisor

Alicia Anderson

Miss Anderson conducts direct market research, develops promotional strategies, coordinates advertising and works along with the flour distributors and the company’s sales team.

Warehouse Supervisor

Bhupendra Kalpoo

Mr. Kalpoo is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the receiving, storage, and delivery of flour products.